Code of Conduct ___________About this document______________ We are focused on supporting and empowering the underserved communities, with our approach focused on mutual respect and enhancing collaboration and trust among participants. Individuals that violate the *Code of Conduct* may be asked to leave our community spaces and/or events. The *Code of Conduct* is a set of guidelines that help establish shared values and ensure that behaviour that may harm participants is avoided. This document equally applies to Autoluminescence Institute's founders, members, visitors and contributors, including organisers and participants of events in the space. are committed to providing an inclusive, safe, and collaborative environment for all participants, regardless of their gender, gender expression, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, sexual characteristics, physical appearance, disability, or age. This *Code of Conduct* applies to all of our events, in person spaces, online spaces, and virtual spaces, including any parties and gatherings at restaurants or other venues related to any of our initiatives. The *Code of Conduct* ensures that behaviors that may harm participants are avoided. It provides individuals who are victims of negative behaviors with confidence that they will be supported by the institute, who respects and stands behind the *Code of Conduct*. This *Code of Conduct* also applies to users and contributors to Autoluminescence Institute's online channels. When the word "we" is used in this document, it applies to all of the above. Participation implies that you agree to the *Code of Conduct* We acknowledge that we come from different backgrounds and all have certain biases and privileges. Therefore, this *Code of Conduct* cannot account for all the ways that people might feel excluded, unsafe or uncomfortable. It is an ongoing set of statements that can be edited. As We commit to open dialogues, and as such this *Code of Conduct* is never complete and can change whenever the need arises. ***We amend this document over time so it reflects the priorities and sensitivities of Autoluminescence as we experience what can change. This awareness is a collective responsibility for all of us to commit to enacting respectful behaviour described in this document, and bring it to the physical hemisphere and digital space of Autoluminescence. *** ***Why a *Code of Conduct* Autoluminescence is a complex coperative.. Many of us are a multi-lingual, multi-cultural. We are a trans-disciplinary trans-disciplinary space. While att Autoluminescence we mostly write and speak Australian English. We are ***very*** aware that many people, participants and guests speak other languages, and encourage people to do so. We also recognise that there are multiple ways of moving, being in the world speaking and interacting (words, gestures, acts, etc.), depending on cultural backgrounds, education and life experience. As such, we recognise that situations might arise where misunderstandings or conflicts arise. We strive to overcome these misunderstandings through a commitment to open dialogue: we prefer to assume good faith, and ask members, participants or visitors to express their concerns directly to each other when possible. When this is not an option, this *Code of Conduct* can be consulted for further actions. Autoluminescence is an experiential learning environment. It accommodates a vast range of practices. Working together means building bridges, between different practices, levels of technical expertise, custom's, personal preferences and political or ethical orientations. We strive to create an environment for diverse participants with different ranges of experience, while not shying away from complex topics to be discussed or broached. We want Autoluminescence to be a space where all members can develop their interests, curiosities practices in trust based setting and people feel at ease to participate, to express themselves, to learn and to work together. The vulnerable nature of collective work means that uncomfortable situations can occur. These situations ask for mutual respect and care. We hope that everyone participating in Autoluminescence is respectful, feels able to be vulnerable and exercises care. In the interest of making an inclusive environment, we will not tolerate harassment, exclusion or any other harmful behaviour. Expected behaviour We expect each other to: ***be considerate of each other, the space we enter, the people at Autoluminescence and the practices it houses. ***be open and generous while trying not to make assumptions about others. This can include assumptions about identity, knowledge, experiences or preferred pronouns. Be generous with our time and our abilities, when we are able to. Help others, but ask first. There are many ways to contribute to a collective practice, which may differ from our individual ways.*** ***be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences. Respect physical and emotional boundaries. Share and be respectful of each others' limited time and energy. Take each other and each other's practices seriously. Acknowledge that this might lead to interesting conversations and surprise. However, different viewpoints is no excuse for poor manners or disagreement. Variety should be celebrated and nurtured. ***Be responsible we listen to and act upon constructive critque, and/or respectful feedback*** We seek to correct ourselves when necessary, keeping in mind that the impact of our words and actions on other people doesn't always match our intent. ****** ***be dedicated and committed to participate and coperaate with self-respect, be mindful of the space you are sharing with others. Unless it is a durational performance we do not seek to don't over burden or exhaust ourselves. This might mean saying how we feel, setting clear healthy flowing boundaries, managing expectations. Asking questions early avoids problems later. Those who are asked are expected to actively listen, be responsive, supportive and generous. And foster an inclusive environment by trying to create opportunities for others to express views, share skills and make other contributions. ***be empathetic, by actively listening to others and not dominating the discussions.*** We give each other the chance to improve and let each other step up into positions of responsibility. We make room for others. We are aware of each other's feelings, provide support while knowing when to step back. We ask to make sure that our actions are wanted. Being together is something we actively work on and requires negotiation. We recognise that not everyone has the same opportunities, therefore we must be sensitive to the context we operate in. ***There are implicit hierarchies that we can challenge.*** When we organise, we think about how we can consider degrees of privilege, account for the needs of others, promote an activist stance and support other voices. Unacceptable behaviour ***The following behaviours will not be tolerated within the physical and digital realms of Autoluminescence.*** ***No structural or personal discrimination, attitudes or comments promoting or reinforcing the oppression of any coperatives or people based on gender, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, sexual orientation, religion, disability, mental illness, neurodiversity, personal appearance, physical appearance, body size, age, or class.*** ***Do not claim “reverse-isms”, for example “reverse racism”.*** No harrassment, neither public nor private. Also no deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, disruption of events, aggressive, slanderous, derogatory, or threatening comments online or in person and unwanted physical or electronic contact or sexual attention. No posting or disseminating libel, slander, or other disinformation. No violation of privacy, namely publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission. Do not take or publish photos or recordings of others after their request to not do so. Delete recordings if asked. No unwelcome sexual conduct, including unwanted sexual language, imagery, actions, attention or advances. No destructive behaviour, or any other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate. This includes (but is not exclusive to) depictions of violence without content warnings, consistently and purposely derailing or disrupting conversations, or other behaviour that persistently disrupts the ability of others to engage in the coperative or space. ***Intervention procedure*** We have different, time based procedures. ***Immediate intervention (help is needed now!)*** If you are feeling unsafe, you can immediately contact the Autoluminescence members in the space, or those who are tasked with making sure the code of conduct is respected. These contact people will do their best to help, or to find the correct assistance if relevant/necessary. You can contact either of them by email or DM For example, if something happened during a still-ongoing event and needs to be acted upon right away. Action is taken immediately when this violation of the *Code of Conduct* is reported. ***This could involve removing an attendee from an event.*** ***Non-immediate intervention (a situation that requires more time)*** Other violations need to be considered and consulted upon with more people or in a more measured way. For example: If you experience an ongoing pattern of harassment; if you witness structurally unacceptable behaviour; if somebody keeps "accidentally" using discriminatory language, after being asked to stop. If you feel comfortable or able, discuss the issues with the involved parties before consulting a mediator. We prefer to constructively navigate the root of the problem to attempt to resolve disagreements together and work to change the unacceptable behaviour, when it is possible and safe to do so. ***However, if the problems still persist, those who are responsible for enforcing the *Code of Conduct* can help negotiate the communication problems that arise.*** ***Do contact the members listed in the Information will be handled with sensitivity.*** All reports are confidential. You will not be asked to take actions that make you feel unsafe. Breaking the*Code of Conduct* may result in immediate expulsion from the event and/or space. ________________*Unacceptable Behaviours*________________ Harassment may occur online or in person. Examples of unacceptable behaviors include: 1. Verbal comments that reinforce oppression related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age or religion (or lack thereof). 2. Imitating or making fun of accents or grammatical errors, or giving unsolicited grammar corrections (but clarifying questions are fine). 3. Verbal threats or demands. 4. Sexualized images in public spaces. 5. Intimidation or bullying. 6. Stalking. 7. Harassing photography or recording. 8. Sustained disruption of sessions or events. 9. Unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention. 10. Drugging food or drink. 11. Violating the conference privacy policy in order to attract negative attention to an attendee. 12. Enlisting the help of others, whether in person or online, in order to target an attendee. 13. Intentional dismissal of an attendee’s gender identity, expression or sexual orientation in any form. 14. Spamming, trolling, flaming, baiting or other attention-stealing behavior in virtual spaces. 15. Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behavior. 16. Not respecting or following our Security Policy. Let someone leave a conversation that makes them uncomfortable, and do not follow people who asked to be left alone. If you discuss difficult topics that may be traumatic for participants, provide warnings so people may leave a conversation or plan coping strategies. Individuals who are asked to stop harassing behaviors are expected to cease immediately. Depending on severity of harassment or repeat offenses, our staff will respond appropriately, including but not limited to: giving warnings or expulsion from the event and virtual spaces. With the consent of the person(s) being harassed, local authorities will be called if needed. We count on everyone - from partner organizations to individuals - to do their part to ensure positive experiences for all participants. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact our team. ________________Last updated: 25 July 2024